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See our most frequently asked questions.

What information about a company's clients is stored on Did They Pay?

No information about clients is stored in the database, other than API ids used to identify excluded clients and restrict clients. Basic client information is stored in a PHP session variable for caching purposes. This information is only accessable to the login session that generated it and is removed once the session lapses.

Is any company information stored on Did They Pay?

Basic company information is stored in the database, like the company name and industry.

What can the different levels of user do in Did They Pay?

• Can set up users as Advisors, Owners, Admins and Users.
• Can access and edit the subscription package.
• Can access and change the payment details.
• Can allocate clients to Users. All other levels can see all clients.
• Can view accounts and invoices.
• Can send invoices.
• Can create invoices if set to do so.

• Can only set up Users.
• Can allocate clients to Users. All other levels can see all clients.
• Can view accounts and invoices.
• Can send invoices.
• Can create invoices if set to do so.

• Can view accounts and invoices.
• Can send invoices.
• Can create invoices if set to do so.

Are any invoices stored on Did They Pay?

No invoices are stored on Did They Pay.

Can admin users see the client accounts I have excluded at owner level?

Excluded clients are excluded from the entire system. No user level can see excluded clients in the My Clients list.

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